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Ground Resource Management (GRM)

The images depicted on this page use the color palette and fonts from Astro 4. All new projects should use Astro 7 colors and fonts to be considered an Astro application. Refer to this section for general user experience guidance only, not visual design guidance.

Directing and maintaining satellites orbiting in space requires coordinating personnel, processes, and equipment on the ground. This is the role of Ground Resource Management (GRM) systems. Key aspects of GRM services include the following:

UX Research Findings

UX research conducted in collaboration with users and domain experts on existing GRM workflows and systems found that:

A GRM system that enables efficient coordination of ground resources would allow for consolidation of equipment, thus decreasing purchasing and maintenance costs, more agile response to events that create schedule conflicts, increased system scalability, and opportunities for automation.

UX Design and Sample Apps

Based on this initial research and follow-up design iterations with operators and stakeholders, the resulting design effort focused on an integrated suite of three GRM Sample Apps, each designed to support key functionality and task flows. Each of the apps is designed to occupy its own browser window, allowing operators to focus on the task at hand, but by virtue of being integrated into a suite, the apps share functionality and support common task flows.

GRM App Suite

GRM Application Suite
GRM Application Suite

The GRM App Suite comprises three integrated sample apps: Dashboard, Equipment Manager, and Schedule.

GRM Dashboard

GRM Dashboard App
GRM Dashboard App

The GRM Dashboard app rolls up all information necessary for providing the operator the highest level of situational awareness.

GRM Equipment Manager

GRM Equipment Manager App
GRM Equipment Manager App

The GRM Equipment Manager app consolidates all ground equipment in one place, allowing operators to view status and request maintenance.

GRM Schedule

GRM Schedule App
GRM Schedule App

The GRM Schedule app allows operators to view and manage the full schedule of contacts in their sphere of responsibility.


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